"The Summer Party Survival Guide for People in Recovery" - Great article by Anne De Santis Lopez for Shatterproof

The summer months are usually associated with cookouts, outdoor activities and parties. So what does this mean for people in recovery from addiction? It definitely can make things challenging, especially if you are newly sober.

Anne De Santis Lopez for Shatterproof wrote a great article “The Summer Party Survival Guide for People in Recovery” that outlines 10 ways to survive these summer activities and parties sober. She outlines great tips if you CHOOSE to go to an event, I do think it’s important to remember that you DO NOT have to go if you feel like the situation will be risky for your recovery.

Some of the tips she mentions are:

  • Get the Scoop Ahead of Time - get useful information before hand from the hosts like number of people, activities at the party, and who will be going

  • Ask for Support - Reach out to people who will be at the party for support. Talk to the host if you feel comfortable

  • Have an Exit Strategy - Always drive yourself and decide in advance what the right time will be to leave. Plan a 12-step meeting to attend right after to help get yourself grounded again if need be

If you have a party or event coming up check out this article to make sure you feel comfortable and keep your recovery safe!