Do you know what your values are? Not knowing what you value could be making you unhappy.

Here at Silver Lining, we’re all about women feeling good about themselves and leading happy, satisfied lives. However, one of the biggest hurdles to happiness is not living in line with what you value. You’ve probably heard the word “values” but what does it mean? Simply put, we all have a set of values that we hold more important than anything else. For example, some of us might value faith or spirituality over anything else, for others it might be family or integrity. Knowing what your values are is important because it helps us make decisions that are in line with what we value, and in turn that makes us happy and fulfilled.

Take some time for yourself and complete the values worksheet I’ve linked below. This will give you a basic understanding of what is most important to you, and will help you make more informed decisions in the future. Making decisions that are in line with our values is how we lead a satisfying and fulfilled life.

Here’s the worksheet link! Have fun!

My Values Worksheet