Women Helping Women

As women, we know how important it is to have a healthy support network of other women. Women just get women. I know we don’t all have the exact same struggles, but most of us can identify with how it FEELS to be a woman in this world. Most of us can identify with the many roles and hats that women in our society play and wear, and what it’s like to feel the pressure of those many roles. Women experience life differently then men. As soon as we are born, we are exposed to verbal and non-verbal messages from our family, our community, and the society we live in about how we “should” be as a woman.

At Silver Lining Counseling, we are women who’s passion is to help other women. We help women find their voice, know their value, and ultimately lead satisfying lives. Choosing a therapist at Silver Lining means you will be met with a warm smile and a feeling of being heard and understood. At Silver Lining we combine our vast clinical training and expertise with compassion, understanding, and autonomy. We hope that through your work with us, you will find your voice, and KNOW how awesome you are, just the way you are.

Stay well and healthy and reach out anytime.

Kristin and Gina

