Hello friends!

It’s been a while since I introduced myself on social media, so here it goes!

I’m Kristin, and I own a therapy practice called Silver Lining Counseling in Charlotte, NC. I’m incredibly passionate about helping women find their voice and know their value. Therapy has been incredibly helpful for me throughout my life, especially with treating severe anxiety and improving my self worth.

Some fun facts about me:

  • I love dark chocolate and eat it every day

  • I love art, design, and fashion and worked in fashion in NYC before I became a therapist

  • I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada and moved to the USA in high-school (for those that know me, you probably can’t hear the Canadian accent, but as soon as I’m around my family it returns)

  • In my free time I hang out with my husband and daughter, try new Charlotte restaurants, travel, and play tennis

  • I’m an avid reader and love to try books from Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club

So, that’s me! Thank you for following and supporting me! Reach out anytime and stay well!
