Hi There Friends!

I realized I needed to do another post to re-introduce myself since I haven’t done that in quite a while. So here it goes:

Hi! I’m Kristin. Most of you know me as a therapist in Charlotte, NC. However, there is probably a lot that you don’t know about me! I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, and feel very connected to what it means to be Canadian. I’m an artist at heart, and even tried to make a career at being an artist after undergrad, but that didn’t pan out. With that said, I’m creative, empathic, and very sensitive to my surroundings and the emotions of people around me. I’ve always been incredibly connected to my emotions, and because of that was labeled “overly sensitive and emotional” growing up, but now I realize that being sensitive and emotional is a positive thing! I’m an INFJ and finding out my Myers-Briggs personality type was incredibly validating and affirming for me. I realized finally that there are other people out there like me! Hello fellow INFJ’s!

I love reading, being outside, spending time with my husband and 7-year old daughter, and eating really good chocolate. I love true crime podcasts, psychological thrillers, and afternoons when I can curl up under my weighted blanket on the couch in front of the fire. My favorite seasons are fall and winter, I love decorating my house for the holidays and wearing cold weather clothes. I love traveling with my husband and daughter and seeing new places.

Female empowerment is a huge passion of mine, especially because I have a daughter. I want my daughter to grow up knowing and feeling that she is worthy, valuable, and good enough just the way she is. It’s taken me 40 years to really start to believe those things about myself, and I want my daughter to know and feel that from the very beginning.

I had anxiety and OCD from a young age, and because of that have been in therapy on and off since I was pretty young. Therapy has been extremely helpful for me, which is what led me to pursue being a therapist as a career. I started doing yoga and meditating almost 20 years ago, and both have helped me learn how to have more control over my thoughts, and my reactions to my thoughts. Learning how to practice mindfulness and breathe properly has helped me to drastically decrease my anxiety symptoms. I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training before my daughter was born, which was a major goal of mine.

So… that’s a little more about me! I look forward to learning more about all of you! Stay healthy and well and reach out anytime!