7-Day Gratitude Challenge

I thought the week of Memorial Day is an appropriate week to challenge you to 7 days of gratitude. I use a gratitude app to write a gratitude list in the mornings, and it has really transformed my thoughts and feelings the rest of the day. Practicing gratitude at any time of the day is helpful, but I feel like doing it in the mornings will have a major impact on your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. So, I am challenging you to start your day off each morning for the next 7 days with a gratitude practice of some sort. Here are examples of ways you can practice gratitude each morning:

  1. Pen and paper

    Grab a pen and paper or your favorite journal and write down 5 things you are grateful for.

  2. Gratitude App

    I use a gratitude app called Gratitude: Diary, Vision Board. I love it because it’s simple and easy to do.

  3. Prayer or meditation

    Using prayer and meditation is also a great way to practice gratitude. Before you begin, be intentional about how you will focus or concentrate your focus on gratitude.

  4. Call or send a message to someone you are grateful for

    Another way to practice gratitude is to send a message or call someone to express your gratitude for them.

    So, are you up for the challenge? Practicing gratitude is an easy but very effective way at shifting thoughts and feelings. I hope you give it a try! Stay well and healthy and reach out anytime…