4 Tips for Coping During Quarantine

My husband, daughter, and I all got Covid about a month ago. My husband got it first, then myself, and then my daughter. Because we got it at different times, our quarantine’s were not all aligned at the same time. In theory, days by yourself, locked in a room watching TV and reading books might sound ideal, but what I found is that it was very stressful and emotional. I hated being separated from my husband and daughter, I missed our family time desperately. Unfortunately, with how contagious the Delta variant is, it is probably reasonable to assume that many of us may still get infected even if we are vaccinated. Here are some tips that I wanted to share for coping with being in quarantine.

  1. Check Your Expectations

    The one thing I learned early on in quarantine, is that I need to adjust my expectations. The first week of our quarantine I was actually on vacation with my daughter. I had planned on having fun with my daughter; going to the pool, relaxing and doing stuff just the two of us. I had to adjust my expectations that we wouldn’t be doing any of that, and in fact I would be isolated from my daughter and husband as well. I reminded myself that this was out of our control, and that all of this was temporary.

  2. Maintain frequent contact with family and friends

    I received many caring texts and phone calls from friends which helped me A LOT. I was feeling isolated from everyone, and just receiving a caring text from a friend made me feel a lot better.

  3. Use FaceTime or video chat as a way to join family for meals and family time.

    Another thing that helped me a lot during quarantine was using FaceTime to “join” my husband and daughter for meals. This helped me feel part of the family and less isolated from them.

  4. Find some games that you can play remotely with family and friends

    My daughter found some games on line that we could all play from our phones, which was also a great way to feel connected to them.

I hope these tips are helpful in preparing for or coping during quarantine. Remember, you are not alone in this, and your friends and family are only a phone call away!

Stay safe and healthy and reach out anytime!